Rock on Kansas City

Thursday, June 10

And so it begins.

As I embark on a new era of blogging, one in which I know what a blog is before I make one, and one in which I post at least as often as I work, I have created a new blog and started it with the longest sentence ever. Although it will indeed be sad to leave behind the halogenmistress of days gone by, I can now post audio blogs. Which is the coolest thing ever.

My apartment building has a parking garage that people can pay to park in. It also has a free lot outside of my building that consists of a circle of spots. The garage is apparently closed for a while, and subsequently it is oft difficult to be one of the mere 20 or 30 people that are privileged to park in the free lot. It has actually begun to surprise me how much people (myself included) want these spots. We've all taken to tricking people and speeding around the little circle to get an open spot. I don't even drive my car much during the day to avoid trying to park it again. It's insane.

I was supposed to have a meeting today. I'm in a group for a summer class though, which presents some problems. a of all, we have no time to do anything. the projects are assigned a week before they are due. b of all, none of us care too much about the class and are all sufficiently lazy. so we didn't meet. which means i could have spent my time helping alex with her car, or at least being productive here, but oh well.

well, i really shouldn't take any more time with this. i have things to put away and sort and further crappity crap crap to do (no, that was not a plog joke).


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