Rock on Kansas City

Tuesday, June 15

A day riddled with incident.

To spare you all the long, mostly uninteresting events of today, I will just hit the highlights:

* Who knew Subway breakfasts were cheap and mostly delicious?

* Porter Hall A18C is freeeeeeezing. That's 7 e's of cold.

* Aaron Tarnow is not my apartment's management office.

* From the entrance of the Waterfront, one can drive to Target, find an 11x13 baking dish, wait in line, purchase said dish despite the unending comedy of the cash register girl, and drive back to Loews in just under 10 min.

* No good movies play before 5pm during the week. Those that do play are attended by elderly couples and father-son pairs.

* $4 is too much money for a 3 day old soft pretzel and a cup of hot imitation cheese-like product.

* The Day After Tomorrow, I will regret wasting $5 on the horrible movie I saw two days ago.

* Rain is the bane of my existence (pardon the rhyme).

* In the event you accidentally back into someone's car while rolling uphill, hope he just drives away when you pull over.

* Instead of drinking Chai Tea with those you love, sit in the basement of Hunt for 5 hours and post to your blog. That will make it all better.


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