Rock on Kansas City

Tuesday, September 21


Ring ring...ring ring...

Brian, hey this is life calling.
Oh hey, it's been a while, how are you?
I'm good. I just wanted to let you know I'm on my way home.
You're coming back?
Yeah, the coast is nice but I wouldn't want to LIVE there.
Well I'll see you around then.
Yeah, sounds good. We'll hang out.

That was a proverbial phone call that happened earlier today...proverbially. Also, while brushing my teeth this morning I was lamenting, as I so often do, about needing to shave it occurred to me that I could actually shave daily. I shave and then, by the next day, I actually need to shave again to not look scruffy. That's monumental! I can't believe I didn't notice it before. I am actually progressing on the dusty trail from pre-pubescence to a land of milk and honey and five o'clock shadows. Oh, manhood, such a love and hate relationship we have.


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