Rock on Kansas City

Thursday, October 7

How did I live before blogger?

I was going to come home and actually put in a good hour of work before I went to sleep (bringing my total of work for the day in which I had nothing from 11am until 10:30pm to 80 min). I put on some pajama pants, only to find that my closet rod had fallen down, and have subsequently been repairing that situation until now. I figured I would still stay up until 2:30 and at least get something done. Which is true. Then I just figured I'd post because I haven't in a while.

Pressure Chief is upon us. At first I really liked it. Now there are some songs that I am definately starting to feel are a bit of a creative cop out. But I am sure I will love them in time. Others are just getting better everytime I listen. I really like the TMGB feel to some of it. Speaking of which, I just emailed the marketplace company from whom I purchased the spine on September 7. Hopefully I'll get that soon.

I am also eating some of the candy my temple sent me. The ingredients consist of sugar, milk, honey, butter, and some chemicals. That's right, Milk n Honees are the best candy I've ever eaten. Hard delicious outside, sweet blast of liquid honey-filled interior. Much better than the "Songs of the High Holy Days" they also sent me.

All right, I'm getting the hell to work. So many people rawk!


  • sorry i kept you up just so you could sit in my room while we did different things! i just needed some beej in my life, if only to reach over and tickle.

    atom "not beej's secret gay lover...yet" A

    By Blogger Adam Atkinson, at 7:36 PM  

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