Rock on Kansas City

Saturday, March 19

Check that sandwhich out.

I was just feeling a little sad and I have been at various points throughout the day. Then I reflected and this day pretty solidly kicked maximum ass. It started with what is arguably the best way to start any day. Then my first real activity was meeting nina to watch the gilmore girls in doherty apts in our pajamas. I came home and graded papers, ate, then sat pensively on my couch listening to music for a little bit. I took a trip into Squirell Hill to visit the fine people of Citizens Bank and eat a moose head made out of chocolate (with peanut butter antlers). I drove to filmmakers to find out I had no equipment reserved :(. Nina and Kaitlin and I sort of made plans for dinner, which sadly fell through, but I ended up going to play Mutiny at Mike Yin's which was a pretty awesome game in my opinion. This only after a brief AIM convo which I had to cut short (I still feel kind of bad about it). Then a movie with Nina, Dave, and grad students where we ran into Julie, Marshall, Gerrit, Leslie and others. I was next to Nina who canoodled the whole time, but luckily we had pre-gamed so I didn't mind too much. Brief stop at the lounge before people came over for a small but enjoyable bit of alcohol consumption. What more can a person ask for in a day? Throw in some phone convos with Kaitlin (I take what I can get) and I interacted with so many awesome people, I had fun, a good mix of alone get-work-done-time and crazy-full-of-people-make-em-ups time.

Maybe Zach's right....

Nope. This probably won't last.


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