Rock on Kansas City

Tuesday, July 5

I don't care too much about fireworks.

I feel like I've been sitting back and wandering through these days while wonderful things keep happening to me. I know it's a poor time to feel so good about my life and obviously everything is not the way it should be. But I used to have to work so hard to find stuff to do and people to talk to. Now, every minute it seems as if I am doing something, talking to someone, preparing to do something, or taking a well-deserved break from doing anything (read: playing Myst III: Exile).

Maybe it's a sign that Singapore is coming way too quickly. A month and 6 days and I will be halfway across the world. On the plus side, the inevitability of my departure means I have a lot of places I am finally going to (Toronto, NJ/NYC, LA, maybe Nashville), a lot of people I am finally seeing (or seeing again) (Nina again, lots more of the pittsburgh crowd, my sister, other family members, Hannah).

Ok, I've become bored with this post. On to Showers and Shells!


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