Rock on Kansas City

Monday, October 18

Where would I be?

So I am not trying restlessly to sneak onto the Cake tour bus right now because John McCrea's romp through winding streets of Pittsburgh has been postponed until a yet-to-be-determined date in December.

Bat Boy is over, and I am left without feelings of unmixed delight. I am glad to have free time, but I know I won't use it to do all of the homework I am behind on (as tonight is evidence of). I am already glad that I don't have to go through the emotional uncertainty that came with every rehearsal but at the same time I already miss being surrounded nightly by some of the most amazing, friendly, and truly caring people there are.

I finally got my copy of the Spine. I went to the grocery store. I made cookies. I have done 0 homework in the past 2 days. Well I worked on a group project for a bit, but I was tired and very little got done.


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