Rock on Kansas City

Tuesday, June 27

Gods Among Men.

Sorry if you saw this already (and probably years ago).

In the Dungeon game with graphics on Homestar Runner, I entered a command it didn't know. And...

Too wide for this blog screenshot.

Tuesday, June 20

An email I just received.

I should note, this is in white text on an inexplicably bright blue background:

Anyhow – don’t worry about rushing to see it. Wait until you can be unstressed with little trivialities (like where you’ll live) so that you can focus on what’s really important: A cheesy 80s movie with talking computer programs in gladiatorial combat with Frisbees.

Best coworkers ever.

Saturday, June 10

What is wrong with me?

Seriously. It feels like I have no time for anything with a full work schedule, then every weekend involves one complete waste of a day. It is 8:36, I have seen 0 other humans who weren't on TV today, did no laundry, ate only a small amount of food, practiced a lot of magic (at least that's borderline productive), and put all my documents into hanging file folders. There is so much I wanted to do today. Why can't I do it?

As time goes by, I wonder if I will ever start any of the projects I planned to embark on once I start working.

On a happier note, if you'd like to know how work is going, you can read my also-starting-to-become-poorly-posted-to work blog.