Everything's coming up roses.
how can so many wonderful wonderful things all happen in such a small span of time? i have to go to sleep but i don't want this feeling to wear off. i love you everyone!!!!! (don't worry, blog readers, this doesnt count as my love saying for the day).
what happened?
By yincrash, at 3:18 AM
I think this is my favorite post, ever. It's more my style, if you know what I mean.
And I really, really appreciated your New Years aim message.
By Anonymous, at 12:58 AM
It took me, like, a long-ass time to figure out why my blog link was "fezzik". Yeah, I forget I'm tall most times, and other people tend not too, since, you know, I'm taller than them.
Hope your New Year's was great! See you soon!
By Adam Atkinson, at 1:00 AM
actually atom, there's slightly more to it. you see i was reading the book (of the princess bride) and fezzik is not only a giant, but a gentle giant. he is tall, yet kind, and loves rhymes. ok, so maybe the last part isn't as applicable. i hope calling you a giant isn't offensive. you are just nice. and tall.
By Brian, at 2:38 PM
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