Rock on Kansas City

Tuesday, June 29

New work schedule, new blog schedule.

Today marks my first day of all afternoon work. You may think this is exciting as I'll get to hang out with people more, but in fact it is the anti-exciting as I get to hang out with people less. Next week I start Acting for the Camera which, while hopefully an awesome class, occurs Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings. It's only 6-9pm which is nice and opens more possibilities than 5-10 did, but still mostly sucky.

In other news, I am excessively overwraught with disappointment in a state of affairs that has transpired. My cousin Dan who has helped me move in and out of dorms and apartments more times than I can remember is finally moving himself again. When he moved to his current apartment, I was home and came over to help but by the time I got there, there were but 2 boxes left and not enough room in the car for me to help move them. This time he did it on Wednesday. I am in a weird transitionary work schedule that I find out usually the day before I work for a week, I came home last weekend, and I am coming home next weekend. Subsequently, a 3rd trip to Cleveland in a week if allowable by my work schedule, seems kind of silly. But I feel awful. Maybe I will just go. I don't know. What do you think?

In other news, I arrived back to Pittsburgh last night to find the parking ticket I had signed to request a court date, that is due to the traffic court in now less than 4 days, to be in my mailbox because I forgot to put a stamp on it. I also really need to cash my mom's check to pay Verizon or I will start to incur some late charges and/or lose phone service.

I still don't know what I want to do with my life, but the more I talk about it, the more it saddens me. But I do know that these are likely to really be the best years of my life. I usually don't have to wake up until 11, or at worst 9. I am involved with 4 or 5 shows a year. I can be in and have fleeting creative control over an improv troupe and begin new projects. I get to take classes I like and learn about things I'm interested in. I get to try having a radio show to find that I only enjoy it after it's over. Not only that, but there are people to hang out with most nights of the week.

More to come.


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