Rock on Kansas City

Tuesday, July 13

Busy day at the office.

I haven't been at work in some time, so I came expecting to get a number of things done. Reading for my class, memorizing the copy for class, catching up on email, blogging, reading people's blogs, etc. Instead, there is a huge pile of new dvd's that I need to label, type cards for, and file. Jeff asked me if I was busy, but I feel bad saying I have stuff to do, because he is paying me to work for him. Oh well. Anyway, hopefully this post will be short.

I had a lovely weekend with Alex. I am still remembering it fondly everytime I turn my head as a wave of burning pain ripples through my neck and shoulders from the sunburn that is not being made to feel much better by the not-quite-aloe aloe lotion that was the best available to be purchased at 10pm on a Sunday night in pittsburgh. But it is likely the only sun I will get all summer, so yay! And the Jersey shore was lovely despite the little baby jelly fish that could always be felt while in the water. But I had a good time. And her camp seemed fun. I was almost a bit jealous.

I was surprisingly sad when I was leaving. Not surprisingly like I am surprised I was sad. I was just surprised at how sad I was. It was painful to drive out of that parking lot. Listening to 1984 on CD on the way back didn't help. An excellent book, but very depressing.

I hate typewriters. I was just typing a card for Where the Boys Are. I typed Where the Boyd twice (and once the first time I typed it into this entry ironically) in a row, so I had to throw out the cards. Urg.

I should go.


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