Rock on Kansas City

Thursday, July 8

Oh, Zach Harris.

I wish it was all like ruling a digital nation state. I make decisions, some people are happy, some people are sad, and none of it matters. Everyone is always so different.

I finally played poker again. It was tons o' fun. And I didn't suck a lot! In fact, I was better off than Scott when we stopped, which might have been the first time that has ever been true in the course of a game. I was second only to Miklos, who had about as much money as I did in 2 or 3 of his many many chips. But beer was drunk, chips, pizza, and cake were eaten, and everyone I talked to had a good time. So there it is. But again, another travesty of life. I thought no one would come, then we had too many people. And more want to play. But I can't tell anyone not to come, because that is never any fun. Hopefully some people won't be able to make it each time and life will be grand. And as of August, hopefully it will be Gus's problem.

Poker is at least 18 times more entertaining with Zach. Especially when he comments on pizza crust.

Acting for the Camera is pretty interesting. I'm not too excited about the lame-sounding next few classes about direct-to-camera (i.e. commercials) acting, but it will come in handy if I ever decide to be a starving actor. Helen's right though, being on camera is strange. Like whenever I hear my voice on the answering machine or something it sounds weird to me. Well seeing myself on camera I look way different than I do in mirrors or in my mind. It's very odd. And acting for the camera in a word: hard. I can see now why children can often act really well. I have to untrain a lot of what I've been practicing for years. I can't act. The camera sees every nervous eyebrow movement, every out of character nostril flare. It can tell if my eyes are saying something different than my mouth is saying. It's crazy. But I like it. And the people in the class seem fun, with the one exception being Helen. She's amazingly fun. I'm so glad to have someone I know I can talk to on our breaks.

T minus 27 hours. In 27 hours, I will once again have Alex in my arms. Although I seem to be dealing much better with it this summer than last. Is it because this summer she was here for a lot of it? Is it because last summer I had no one to hang out with ever and was sad and lonely? Was it because this summer infrequently affords me a few minutes to think about what is happening in my life? Probably a bit of all of them. But it's also hard because her and I are never reachable by phone at the same time.


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