Rock on Kansas City

Wednesday, August 25

Down we go.

My insane week of getting stuff done in cleveland turned slowly into a last few days of getting less done, and now that i'm back has warped into some days of getting nothing done. Well, not nothing. I did re-code the npp games database. but i had a plan that involved planning 3 npp workshops a day and then i was 2 behind and now i'm edging on 4. i really enjoy doing it, but it takes me a bit of time and when i finish one, i usually just want to play spiderman.

in other news, i dyed my hair. i had mixed feelings going into it, and now i have mixed feelings anyway. i like the color, but it will fade soon, and it means i can't bring back the afro for a long time, at least until i cut all this out. i also don't think a lot of other people like it, because it's really not all that cool. but whatev. i had wanted to do it, and so i did.

i am honestly not really looking forward to the semester academically at all. i am going to be super busy again because i am stupid, and i just can't imagine returning to the hectic life of doing homework and taking classes.

on the plus side, i was talking to leslie today and we both really want to take an sns trip to a beach or a skiing kind of a place. apparently there's a ski club on campus, but i don't think i would really go on outings with them, as i don't likely know any of them.

ah well, i guess it's not all too bad. i should really plan some workshops.


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