some lessons i have learned:
nothing is ever simple.
there are few things that last.
happiness is especially fleeting.
people change, over minutes and over months.
the masses have a mind of their own.
the solution to every problem leads only to establishing or remembering 10 more.
this is a bitter moment. others are not. if you think you know what some of these are about, you are almost certainly wrong. don't take it personally.
to prove it, here's some happy thoughts. i love:
* cranberry apple cider
* chanukah wishes from people who know i'm jewish
* the no parking players, and the opportunity i was given
* every npp member who played a game in a workshop i ran or show i planned
* the ever elusive npp stopwatch
* the structure and philosophy of npp which, after further reflection, is damn clever
sorry improv has sucked a lot of my mental attention lately. were my performances better than those under scott? were my workshops better than those under lisa? i can't imagine so, but it doesn't matter. i had the time of my life, i felt like i made some changes for the better, and i learned a number of valuable lessons (not those listed above). ah well, as a great man once said, "onwards and upwards."
nothing is ever simple.
there are few things that last.
happiness is especially fleeting.
people change, over minutes and over months.
the masses have a mind of their own.
the solution to every problem leads only to establishing or remembering 10 more.
this is a bitter moment. others are not. if you think you know what some of these are about, you are almost certainly wrong. don't take it personally.
to prove it, here's some happy thoughts. i love:
* cranberry apple cider
* chanukah wishes from people who know i'm jewish
* the no parking players, and the opportunity i was given
* every npp member who played a game in a workshop i ran or show i planned
* the ever elusive npp stopwatch
* the structure and philosophy of npp which, after further reflection, is damn clever
sorry improv has sucked a lot of my mental attention lately. were my performances better than those under scott? were my workshops better than those under lisa? i can't imagine so, but it doesn't matter. i had the time of my life, i felt like i made some changes for the better, and i learned a number of valuable lessons (not those listed above). ah well, as a great man once said, "onwards and upwards."
I feel like I shouldn't be intruding right now, but you made me think of something: the goal isn't to run better workshops or have better performances than the AD before you. If this were the case, y'all would be national by now. The goal is to take the helm and keep the group steady. It can involve making changes, improving some things, mucking up others, finetuning--but that's all just different, not necessarily better or worse.
Sorry, I've done no good here. I just never thought of it that way before.
Anonymous, at 11:07 AM
Yeah, it's true. That was actually meant to be my sentiment. Did I do these things? No, but it doesn't matter. I did my best and I feel like whether or not all goals were meant, I definately worked on everything I promised to in my platform (from what I remember without re-reading it at this point). But thanks, it does help.
Now, of the people who would sign L, either I'm going to be really surprised you were reading my blog or I don't know who you are. Who was that?
Brian, at 3:00 PM
Nutter. Who do you think this is? Who else would give a flying flip about NPP's ADs while simultaneously saying she shouldn't give a flying flip? :-p I've been reading your blog since... I forget when. Since I went to Ithaca, maybe? I've signed here before, I thought you knew I lurked.
Love, LMB
Anonymous, at 9:54 AM
Wow. I didn't know at all. How are you? Do you have a blog, because otherwise this feels one-sided :)
Now it's all over. I feel good about what I did and it sounds like Josh will do a whole slew of great other things. Overall, I'm happy with the whole thing.
Brian, at 3:28 AM
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