Rock on Kansas City

Wednesday, December 1

What the shit?

This is old. Blogger was down and I just got around to actually posting it.

What is up with today? All night last night, I kept waking up due to one (or both) of 2 factors:

1) The fact that since about 7pm last night, the act of swallowing the saliva my body naturally generates has become about the most painful thing I've done since that time. And it happens a lot.

2) My window being open a crack, thus letting floods of loud awning-flapping-in-the-crazy-wind noises waft in all the night long.

So I miserably wake up and decide to make some tea from factor 1) and close the window for factor 2). I make the tea, put some honey in, and bundle up assuming it is torrentially downpouring rain (hence all the wind and that) only to walk outside and see not a drop of water. Yes, it was really just wind.

I begin my 7:45am departure towards campus and am pleasantly surprised to find that it is light out and cold, but not too cold. Then the wind picked up and I found myself thinking, "This is a wee bit uncomfortable." Then the wind picked up again and I literally had to struggle against it to move my legs forward. It was like a freaking hurricane. This continued on and off for the entirety of my walk to campus. To add insult to injury, about halfway there I realized I left my delicious and most soothing portable warming mug of tea at home. .


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